
下列各句中,加点的成语使用最恰当的一句是 A.范仲淹的《岳阳楼记》言从楼起,但意在楼外,写景抒情曲尽其妙,炼词造句独具匠心,字字珠玑,脍炙人口,千百年来广为传诵。 B.在2009斯诺克英国锦标赛上,丁俊晖不孚众望,以十比八的比分击败排名世界第一的希金斯,取得冠军,蓄势三年再次捧杯。 C.电视剧《我的兄弟叫顺溜》热播后,在社会上引起了强烈的反响,人们对之评头品足,大加赞赏。 D.房地产市场发展迅猛,有人便说房价会涨 There was a time when hot summer days brought children outdoors to local rivers to catch minnows (米诺鱼). Walking in cool rushing water to catch the small, silver fish was a fun chance on a hot summer's day. Before setting out for the river in their neighborhood, however, children first had to look for a bag. Both boys and girls loved this outdoor activity a lot.While reaching the side of the river, the children pulled off their shoes and socks and put their feet first into the cold water. Walking carefully in the water, they looked for the right place where the minnows flashed (闪光). Catching minnows was very easy if two children worked together. Taking two corners of the bag, each child stood in the water and slowly lowered the bag until it was at the bottom of the river. Then, standing very still (静止的), the children waited for the fish in the river to do normal activity. The children would again get a corner of the bag in each hand and raise the bag straight up quickly, keeping it as level as possible. Lots of tiny silver fish would cover the bag. The joy of catching minnows is that, once caught, the fish are thrown back into the water to continue their natural lives. Perhaps they will be taken up by other children and then return to their watery home again. So the bag is lowered back into the river, and the small fish swim off. Then the whole process is repeated once more as more minnows are caught and then released (释放).1.Why did children first have to look for a bag?A. They looked for something to protect themselves.B. They looked for the tool to catch fish.C. They had to use the bag to take the fish home.D. They had to use the bag to divide the fish.2.What does the second paragraph mainly tell us?A. Why the children catch minnows.B. Why the children like playing in the water.C. When the children go to the river.D. How the children catch minnows.3.What does the underlined word “lowered” mean in Chinese?A. 把……混合 B. 把……擦掉 C. 把……放低 D. 把……分开4.How do the children deal with the fish they catch?A. They throw them back into the water. B. They take them home and cook them.C. They keep them as pets. D. They sell them for money.
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