
摘录要点; 阅读短文,然后在下面的表格中完成内容摘要,每空不超过3个单词。    Reading plays an important role in our life. There are some public libraries in Xiangtan city.    Xiangtan City Library is the best library and it’s also the largest one. There are thousands of books for people of all ages. People can borrow books for free if they have a library card. Xiang tan Children’s Library is the most popular on weekends and holidays. Many parents take their children there because there are many hand-painted books for children. Children are inter10.南京失守后的第三日,蒋介石发表《告全国国民书》,称:“最后决胜之中心,不但不在南京,抑且不在各大都市,而实寄于全国之乡村与广大强固之民心;我全国同胞能晓然于敌人之鲸吞无可幸免,父告其子,兄勉其弟,人人敌忾,步步设防,则四千万方里国土以内,到处皆可造成有形、无形之坚强堡垒,以制敌之死命。”这表明蒋介石已经认识到(  )①中国的抗日战争是一场持久抗战          ②必须以空间换时间来争取胜利③民心团结的重要性                      ④共.产.党开辟的敌后战场是抗战主战场。A.①②③B.①②④C.①③④D.②③
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