
In 1988, a company in Ohio invented an alcohol-based hand cleaner, which was meant to be used by health-care worker; when soap and water were unavailable. Joe Kanfer, the company's C. E. O., told me recently, “there were a couple of other alcohol products out there, but they were really ugly. Either they were greasy (油腻的) or they burned your hands white.” Kanfer took a year and a half to develop this product which is visually appealing and does almost no harm to one's skin. Still. Kanfer lost money on it for more than a decade because people couldn't get what it was for.   阅读下列材料:20世纪70年代,我市粮食亩产量一般年份在75—125千克之间。1982年以来,改革的春风吹遍了农村大地,我市农业有了很大发展,仅粮食一项,2004年全市单产417千克/亩,总产量达185万吨,实现了历史性突破。我市的粮食生产发生的变化主要得益于我国哪项农村政策的实施?
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