
As thousands of communities in the USA — especially in the South — became booming gateways for immigrant families from Central and South America during the 1990s and the early years of the new century, public schools struggled with the unfamiliar task of serving the large numbers of English learners arriving in their classrooms. Education programs needed to be built from scratch. “We had no teaching resources suitable for English learners here before. We had to develop them all ourselves,” a Texas principal said.Throughout the country, districts had to train their own teache在下面—段文字横线处补写恰当的语句,使整段文字语意完整连赏,内容貼切,逻辑严密。每处不超过15个字。(6分)读书的目的仅仅是为了记住书中的内容吗?答案是否定的。 ① 。记忆型阅读是我们缺乏想象力的根源之一,因为它容易导致盲从书本知识,从而失去质疑精神。批判型读是一种创造性阅读,它不追求 ② ,而主张激发想象力和灵感,带着自己的思考,让自己变得更有思想。能通过阅读提出有价值的质疑, ③ ,通过分析根源找到解决问題的途径和方法,这在泛阅读日益普遍的时候更显得难能可贵。
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