
【2011·西南师大附中第六次月考】 D       Americans: Restless? Illiterate(没文化的) ?        Americans are queer people: they can’t rest. They have more time, more leisure, shorter work hours, more holidays, and more vacations than any other people in the world. But they can’t rest. They rush up and down across their continent as tourists; they move about in great herds to conferences; they search the wilderness; they flood the mountains; they keep the hotels full. But they can’t rest. The scenery rushes past them. They learn it. Battles and monuments 某学校地理兴趣小组做了如下实验:做两个相同规格的玻璃箱(如图11),甲底部放一层土,中午同时把两个玻璃箱放在日光下,十五分钟后,同时测玻璃箱里的气温,结果发现底部放土的比没有放土的足足高了3 ℃。据此回答: 1.该实验主要是测试 A.大气的温室效应  B.大气的热力运动 C.一天中最高气温出现的时刻  D.大气主要的直接热源 2.甲箱温度计示数比乙箱温度计高的原因是 A.太阳辐射强弱差异  B.地面辐射强弱差异 C.大气吸热强弱差异  D.大气辐射强弱差异
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