
The Government should raise taxes on air travel and high-polluting cars in order to help the environment, an important committee of MPs  has said. It also said that the 70 mph speed limit on motorways should be reduced or enforced to bring down the amount of carbon dioxide given off by cars The House of Common Environmental Audit committee’s latest report said that transport was the only sector(部门)of the UK where carbon emissions have continued to rise since 1990. It said it was time for the Government to make demand for cheap air impossible by raising air passenger tax. Emissions f读黄河流域图,完成下列各题 (1)黄河最终注入f是__________海。 (2)黄河支流b是__________河,黄河支流b、c、d、e主要流经了_________高原。该高原土层__________,植被破坏严重,是我国水土流失最严重的地区之一。     (3)与中上游相比较,黄河下游流域(流域:河流的汇水范围。提示:水往低处流)的形态有怎样的特点?原因是什么?
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