
完型填空     阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 “Keep your eye on your paper” is one of the rules that Mrs Archer has taught us. It’s a simple rule,   1   it’s not a rule everybody chooses to follow. This morning, I felt   2   was watching me too closely during an English exam. I turned my head quickly and saw James, who sat   3  me. My eyes caught his and he   4 , “Let me see your answers!” I gave him a   5  , not sure if he was joking or not, and returned to my test. This time I藻类植物与人类生活有密切关系,可以提供氧气、提取工业原料、食用和净化污水等,但藻类植物过度繁殖也会给人类带来危害.例如:沿海地区出现的大面积“赤潮”现象以及淡水湖泊发生的“水华”.问:藻类植物过度繁殖的原因是什么?为了不再产生“赤潮”或“水华”,我们该怎么做?
英语 试题推荐