
下列叙述,正确的是 ①目前,城乡的收入差距日益扩大 ②发展乡镇企业是实现乡村城镇化的重要途径 ③城市化使城乡居民的思想观念、生活方式差距扩大 ④乡村城镇化加快了我国城市化的进程 A.①②B.①③       C.①④       D.②④   答案:D  工业化加速了非农产业向城市集中,农村工业化加速了农村城市化。城市是区域经济发展的中心,带动了区域经济的发展。伴随着城市化的进程,城市与乡村居民的劳动方式、人均收入、文化教育的差别不断缩小,价值观念和生活方式也逐渐趋同  1.. I always watch flash movies online. Sometimes I play flash games online.2. . I like reading verymuch. I often buy some booksonline because some of the bookscan’t be found in the bookstores.It’s great!3.. I often go travelling onbusiness. Ordering train ticketsonline is much easier and faster.And I can get the tickets in myoffice or at home. 4.. I talk with somefriends on the Internet. There isa cool new website and I canfind friends there. If put in afriend’s name, and there he is!5.. Every morning I read news and look through all the sports results online. I don’t have to take the newspapers to my office.A. http: // Train. Time. cn A site about train tickets, train time and important things about train stations.B. http: // bookline. com / free A site about books. You can read books online. You can also buy your favorite books online.C. http: // Flash8. com. cnA site about flash movies and flash games. There aresome teaching movies to tell you how to make a flash movie.D. http: // friendnctind. com A site about making friends online. You can find friends on this site. You can talk with them online and see them through the screen.E. http: // autohome. com. cn A site about cars. You can get all kinds of information about cars. There must be one for your taste.F. http: // sofang.com A site where you can find the most suitable house for yourself. Some skills are also introduced to you.G http: // dailynews. com A site about the news around your country. You can read some daily news, sports matches’ results and the articles in the blogs(博客).
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