
Alex Scott, a brave young girl with a strong mind, wanted to make a difference for all children who have cancer with her lemonade stands and left a legacy (遗赠) of hope. This reminds us of the power one person can have by taking a stand for a worthy cause. Alex was born to Jay and Liz Scott from Manchester, CT. Before her first birthday she was diagnosed (诊断) with neuroblastoma, a childhood cancer. This type of cancer affects the nervous system. Jay and Liz were told by doctors that if Alex beat the cancer she would most likely never walk again. Challenging the doctors’ predi右图是孙中山在辛亥革命后所设计的中山装,几十年内,它成为中国男子喜欢的标准服装。其流行的原因不包括 A.它广泛吸收了欧美服饰的优点 B.孙中山个人崇高的政治威望 C.让人“见其服而知贵贱” D.表达了国人对民主共和的崇尚
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