
My mom is always at work and my sisters are never around,so I have nothing to do.My house is boring.The train lets me escape and explore. I have been taking the train for five years.I’ve learned that it’s fast and convenient.I live about two miles from the Blue Line Imperial station.I like taking the train because it gives me freedom. My favorite place to go is downtown.I take the train to Macy’s Plaza in front of the 7th Street Station to do some shopping at Borders or Victoria’s Secret,or to get something to eat at the food court.With 25 cents,you can take the DASH bus fr5.2015年我国防灾减灾日的宣传主题为“科学减灾,依法应对”.下列有关燃烧与灭火的说法中正确的是(  )A.可燃物只有在空气(或氧气)中才能燃烧B.汽油起火时使用泡沫灭火器,是为了隔绝空气C.任何燃料完全燃烧时,一定会生成二氧化碳D.空气中混有可燃性气体,遇明火时一定会发生爆炸
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