
A mobile phone is in fact a small radio. A radio sends a person’s voice over a long way to another radio. A voice that is sent by radio is called a signal. A radio signal travels very quickly.Only a few years ago, mobile phones were very large. They needed large batteries. They had to be powerful to send their signal to far away places. This was because most cities had only one antenna tower for mobile phones.Do you know what use a mobile phone has? Yes, you can use it to do a lot of things.Call your friends and family from almost anywhere.Call the police immediately if there is an accident 有人曾说“辛亥革命是一朵不结果实的花”,对此理解正确的是   A.帝国主义干涉使南京临时政府内外交困,被迫解散   B.袁世凯篡夺了辛亥革命的胜利果实,孙中山出走海外   C.推翻封建帝制建立了共和国,但未改变中国社会性质未完成革命任务 D.革命阵营中的立宪派和旧官僚向革命派进攻,迫使孙中山辞职
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