
Michael Jordan told me not to mention this until the season was over and I promised him at that time. Now I think it’s time.Early last season, I wrote a column about an act of kindness I had seen Jordan do to a disabled child outside the Stadium. After it ran ,I got a call from a man in the western suburbs. He said, “I read what you wrote about Jordan, but I thought I should tell you another thing I saw.” Here it comes, I thought. It always does. Write something nice about a person, and people call you up to say that the person is not so nice.   A few weeks later Jordan and I were talk某生产化肥碳酸氢铵(NH4HCO3)的企业,作了一个大型户外广告.如图所示.根据相关信息计算:(1)组成碳酸氢铵的元素有 种,碳酸氢铵的相对分子质量为 .(2)碳酸氢铵中氮元素的质量分数为 ,该广告是 (填“虚假”或“真实”)的.
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