
下右图为我国某地某日大气热量收支状况和太阳高度变化示意,图中放射线数值表示北京时间,同心圆数值表示太阳高度,热量值从外圆到圆心由小到大。读图回答下题。 该地位于 A.东北平原  B.长江中下游平原  C.准噶尔盆地  D.青藏高原 据图判断下列说法正确的是 A.该地这一天大气热量亏损时间比热量盈余时间短 B.乙时刻到甲时刻大气热量收入小于支出,气温下降 C.甲时刻大气热量收支相等,大气辐射最强 D.乙时刻大气热量收支相等  Wake gently this morning to a different day.Listen .There is no bray of buses,no brake growls, no siren howls and no horns blow. There is only the silence of a city hushed by snow. ------Lilian Moore 1.What is the main idea of the poem? [  ] A.Waking up is hard.B.Cities are noisy places. C.Snow has made the city quiet. D.Nights are quiet times. 2.What is the best title for the poem? [  ] A.“Waking Up Late” B.“A Snowy Morning” C.“A Winter Day” D.“Bus Travel” 3.What has snow brought to the city? [  ] A.Silence. B.Buses. C.Horns. D.Snowballs. 4.Why does the poet say this day is “different”? [  ] A.There is no snow.B.There are no trees. C.There are no horns or sirens. D.There are no people. 5.A picture of the main idea of this poem would show ________. [  ] A.a traffic jamB.trees and flowers C.an alarm clockD.a snow-covered city street
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