
完形填空Tiffany, a 16-year-old girl, was very, shy. Last September, her best friend, Sophie,    1   abroad with her family because she had to continue her   2   in America. She even said shewould not come back for at least a few years. Tiffany became   3   and helpless. I wasreally sad the moment I heard the bad news and I didn't know what to do, Tiffany recalled (回忆). I shut myself in my room for a whole week. It was then that my aunt took me to a    4   club one Saturday and I saw so many young people playing various sports there. I    5   up for a beginners' c下图表示某真核细胞内三种具有双层膜的结构(部分示意图),有关分析错误的是( )A.图a表示线粒体 ,是所有细胞都含有的一种细胞器B.图b表示叶绿体 ,是进行光合作用的细胞器C.图c中的孔道是大分子进出该结构的通道D.图a、b、c中内外膜化学成分差异最大的是图a
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