
读下图,完成下列问题。(10分) (1)图中山脉的走向是_   ___,铁路线名称是___    _。(2分) (2)上世纪末,甲河下游曾经出现断流,简要分析其原因。(4分) (3)简要概括图中城镇分布特点。(2分) (4)冬春季节,该地城镇大气污染严重,简要分析其原因。(2分) 答案:(1)西北—东南 (1分) 兰新铁路 (1分) (2)气候干旱,降水稀少;蒸发量大(旺盛);沿途用水量大;沿途河水下渗严重;水资源利用率不高。(答对4点即可,4分) (3)沿铁路分布;沿河流分布。(2分) (4)冬季,居民取暖用煤量大,向大气排放多粉尘;冬季,多风沙天气,大气中悬浮颗单词拼写 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的完全形式(每空限填一词)【1】Talent shows give people a w____________ to make their dreams come true.【2】He told us three jokes, but n___________ of them was funny.【3】They are young and rich, h___________, there is no smile on their faces.【4】Mr Lin is a good driver. He always drives c_____________.【5】The science teacher f__________ the bottle with blue water and showed it to the class.【6】The coffee is too strong, so I need some more s_____________.【7】The air outside is much cooler and f____________. Let’s go and enjoy it.【8】Try not to eat between m__________. It can help to lose weight.【9】The story was so funny that it made us all l____________.【10】F_________, Jiang Dunhao, a talented boy became the winner of The Voice of China in 2016.
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