
Last Saturday was sunny but not too hot. Bethany went to the flea market (跳蚤市场)with her patents in her mom’s car. There was always something special at the flea market. Bethay and her mom and dad walked slowly from booth (临时货摊) to booth.Mom bought some flowers and a sweater.Dad 1ooked for booths with       old boat parts. Bethay 1ooked around and saw a booth full of old dolls (玩偶). She looked closely at a doll. She could see that its dress was beautiful once,but now it was dirty. And one of its shoes was missing.However, there was something about the 如图,下列各坐标对应点正好在图中直线上的是(   ).A.(0,2)B.(0,4)C.(1,2)D.(2,0)
英语 试题推荐