
    On one summer night, Henry was sleeping in his room            1._______when suddenly he woke up and sensed that something                2._______unusual. He looked out of the window and finding a                   3.________store nearby on the street was in fire. He immeditately                4._______shouts at the top of his voice “Fire! Fire! Help!” He                    5. _______phoned 119 at once and then went out to put out fire.                 6. _______but it was very big a fire(10分)如图所示,电源电动势为E=30V,内阻为r=1Ω,电灯上标有“6V,12W”字样,直流电动机线圈电阻R=2Ω。若闭合开关后,电灯恰能正常发光,求:(1)流过电灯的电流是多大?(2)电动机两端的电压是多大?(3)电动机输出的机械功率是多少?
英语 试题推荐