
下面句子中对“曾”解释错误的一项是(     ) ①寻常巷陌,人道寄奴曾住(曾经)      ②而侯生曾无一言半辞送我(曾经) ③是高、曾时为一倍(与自己隔两代的亲属)④曾益其所不能(通“增”,增加) ⑤曾不能毁山之一毛(用作加强语气,有时相当于“连----都----”或“竟”“竟然”)  听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。【1】What was the date yesterday?A. September the 13th. B. October the 14th. C. November the 13th.【2】What present did the speaker give to Uncle Jim?A. A CD. B. A wallet. C. A T-shirt.【3】What kind of film did the speaker see?A. A comedy. B. A scary movie. C. A science fiction film.【4】What did the speaker eat at the restaurant?A. Potato chips. B. A sandwich. C. Fried chicken.
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