
Jackson was driving back home along a road one evening. He just lost his job. It was winter and it was very cold, just like his feelings. An old lady with her car was standing on one side of the road. She needed help. No one stopped to help her. Jackson stopped in front of her and got out of his car. The lady looked very worried. Even when he put a smile on his face, the old lady still looked worried. Was he going to hurt her? He didn't look safe, and he looked poor and hungry. Jackson knew how she felt. He said. I'm here to help you, madam. Why don't you wait in my car? By the way, my图行天下。    寒假即将开始了,你有外出旅行的计划吗?家住济南的孙悦和他的父母准备去海南岛过春节。孙悦找出地图,开始了出行前的准备工作。 (1)为了欣赏沿途风光,孙悦的父母选择了乘火车先到广州,再坐飞机到海南的旅行。你认为旅行将依次经过哪些铁路干线?_____________________________________________________________________。(2)要出发了,孙悦忙着往行李箱里装东西,你认为哪些物品没有携带的必要,请说明理由。 ___________________________________________________________________________________________(3)到海南了,孙悦陪同父母来到海口的瓜果批发市场,呀,这里的水果品种竟然会这么多,真是令人大开眼界!你认为下列哪些水果主产地是海南岛?请选择它们的序号_______。 (4)在旅行过程中,有些地理现象令孙悦产生疑惑,并将其记录下来,请你运用所学知识和方法帮助孙悦答疑解惑。 我帮孙悦解疑:___________________________________________________________________________
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