
下列词语中加点的字,每对读音都相同的一组是(   ) A.绊马索/搅拌机    狙击/越俎代庖    伦常/囫囵吞枣    疏浚/提前竣工 B.老搭档/档案袋    纤巧/纤尘不染    开拓/落拓不羁    角色/群雄角逐 C.应声虫/应届生    竦立/毛骨悚然    憧憬/灯影幢幢    果脯/相辅相成 D.着眼点/着重号    亲家/亲痛仇快    关卡/卡住脖子    稽首/无稽之谈  Siena is an old city in the north of Italy. It began with a group of people living on its hills over 2,900 years ago. Around the year 1100, Siena became an important business center in Italy. In 1472, the first bank of the world was built in this city and has been doing business ever since. Today Siena is famous for keeping its “old face.” For example, its city walls, which helped keep the city safe in the past, are hundreds of years old now and look almost the same as before. Also, many old buildings are seen at the Piazza del Campo, the most important meeting place of the city. Few things have really changed in this center of public life for hundreds of years. Now people still go to the open space for sharing news, shopping or playing sports. There is one more thing that helps keep Siena’s old face: cars cannot enter the city most of the time. True, Siena is old, but it is beautifully old. People are welcome to visit this beautiful city and walk into the past.根据短文内容,判断下列句子是否正确,对的涂(A),错的涂(B)。1.The old city, Siena, began more than 2,900 years ago.2.Siena is famous for having the first bank of the world today.3.People in Siena have protected the old city walls very well.4.Few old buildings can be found at the Piazza del Campo.5.Most of the time cars are not allowed to enter Siena.
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