
完形填空。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。There is a good news for children in the countryside . We may still remember the girl  1 big eyes . Her big eyes are  2  us her dream : I wish to   3  ! In China, there are still   4  girls and boys like her . They want to go to school , but their  5  are too poor . If the family has two or three children , it is harder to  6   the money for all the children , so the parents often ask  7   to stay at home , and boys to go to school.Now they needn’t   8 the money . From 2006 on , c17.如图,固定的直杆ABC与水平地面成37°角,AB段粗糙,BC段光滑,AB长度l1=2m,BC段的长度l2=0.75m.质量m=1kg的小环套在直杆上,在与直杆成α角的恒力F作用下,从杆的底端由静止开始运动,当小环到达B时撤去F,此后小环飞离直杆,落地时的动能Ek=20J.(不计空气阻力,sin37°=0.6,cos37°=0.8,g取10m/s2)(1)求小环运动到B时的速度大小vB;(2)若夹角α=0°,小环在杆AB段运动时,受到恒定的阻力f=4N,其他条件不变,求F的大小;(3)若夹角α=37°,小环在AB段运动时,受到阻力f的大小与直杆对小环的弹力FN的大小成正比,即f=kFN,其中k=0.5,且小环飞离轨道后,落地时的动能不大于20J,求F的取值范围.
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