
完形填空。I lived in a small village when I was young.At the age of 18,I__1_my studies at high school.I did not go to college,__2__my parents didn't have much money.I decided to leave my home to work in New York.I took the__3__alone(独自地)to the city with only twenty dollars with me.After five hours,the train__4__and I got off the train.Then I felt very__5__,I wanted to buy something to eat.So I went into a__6__.But I couldn't find my wallet.I was very scared(恐惧的).I began to__7__.Then an old woman walked up to me.She asked me__8__I was shouting.I told her what was wron14.如图是显微镜下观察到的几种细胞或组织图象(A为口腔上皮细胞,B为蓝藻细胞,C为小麦叶肉细胞,D中细胞取自猪的血液,E为细菌细胞),请据图回答:(1)科学家依据有无以核膜为界限的细胞核将细胞分为原核细胞和真核细胞.(2)图中属于原核细胞的是B、E(填标号).(3)在上述五种细胞中,它们都有的结构有细胞膜、细胞质、核糖体和遗传物质DNA,这体现了不同类细胞之间的统一性.(4)蓝藻和小麦都是能进行光合作用的自(养)养生物,在它们细胞中含有进行光合作用的色素,都有叶绿素,不同的是蓝藻还含有藻蓝素.(5)生活在湖水中的蓝藻,当水质富营养化时会形成水华现象.
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