
A Letter to A Student in Yushu Dear friend, When we learned over the radio and in the newspaper that Yushu was struck by 16.______ terrible earthquake on April 14th, 2010, we became very 17.________ (worry) and sad. It is said that thousands 18.______ houses 19._________(destroy) , so you can’t have your classes as usual at present. I wonder 20.___ ____ things have got better by now.    Don’t lose heart and be strong-minded 21.______ you are facing the great disaster, for people all over China are standing by you. I’d like to send you some books 22._______ were bought last week5.为验证向心力公式,某探究小组设计了如图所示的演示实验,在米尺的一端钻一个小孔,使小孔恰能穿过一根细线,线下端挂一质量为m,直径为d的小钢球.将米尺固定在水平桌面上,测量出悬点到钢球的细线长度l,使钢球在水平面内做匀速圆周运动,圆心为O,待钢球的运动稳定后,用眼睛从米尺上方垂直于米尺往下看,读出钢球外侧到O点的距离r,并用秒表测量出钢球转动n圈用的时间t.则:(1)小钢球做圆周运动的周期T=$\frac{t}{n}$.(2)小钢球做圆周运动的向心力F=m$\frac{4{π}^{2}{n}^{2}}{{t}^{2}}(r-\frac{d}{2})$.
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