
Lost and Found【小题1】Mary’s school ID card number is _________. A. 2360731      B. 6956385     C. 2007712【小题2】The backpack is ________. A. white         B. red         C. black and white 【小题3】Mary’s phone number is __________. A. 6956385      B. 2007712     C. 2360731【小题4】Tony’s last name is ________. A. Brown        B. Green        C. Mike【小题5】Cindy’s _______ is in the lost and found case. A. school ID card      B. backpack     C. notebook如果想要表示长兴2018年12月份气温变化的情况,最适合的是选用( )统计图。A.条形B.折线C.扇形
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