
图10为我国2010年中央财政预算平衡关系图,从中可以看出                      图l0 2010年中央财政预算平衡关系图             注:国际上规定的财政赤字警戒线是指GDP的3%或者财政收入的60%。         ①中央财政赤字已超出合理比例         ②我国将继续实施积极的财政政策          ③我国将增发国债、调整税率以增加财政收入         ④中央财政具有缩小地方发展差距、促进公共服务均等化的作用          A.①③Sichuan RestaurantType: Chinese foodHours: Mon~ Fri (7:30 am to 10:30 pm) Sat~ Sun (7:30 am to 12:30 pm)Services: Eat—in About Us: We have all kinds of Chinese food and are famous for our hot Sichuan dishes. Dinner starts from $55 per person.Tel: 555 0980Italian Pizza RestaurantType: Italian foodHours: Tue ~ Sun (12 noon to 11 pm) Mon (closed)Services: Take—away, Home delivery(送餐)About Us: Cheapest and best food in town. Pizza for four people $7.50 and upTel: 555 7887【小题1】 If you want to buy breakfast on your way to school in the morning , where should you go?A.Before 7:30 am in Italian Pizza Restaurant.B.Before 7:30 am in Sichuan RestaurantC.After 7:30 am in Italian Pizza Restaurant.D.After 7:30 am in Sichuan Restaurant.【小题2】You and your friend want to go out to a restaurant for dinner. It is Monday evening and you have a total of  $ 50 to spend. Where will you go?A.Sichuan Restaurant.B.Italian Pizza Restaurant.C.Neither of them.D.Both of them.【小题3】Which of the following is true about Italian Pizza Restaurant?A.It has good but expensive food.B.It is open earlier than the other restaurant.C.It is the restaurant that allows take—away.D.It is a great place for people to get together.
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