
任务型阅读:   Nick is my pen friend. He is 12 years old. He is from England. He lives in London. He speaks English and French. He often takes a bus to school. 3.He likes science best. He likes Chinese, too. And he says he can speak some Chinese, but he can’t write in Chinese.Nick likes sports, too. He likes swimming best. 4. He goes swimming on weekends with his father. He says he can swim very well. He doesn’t like history   ____5  he thinks it’s too difficult.Nick has a big family. There are nine people in his family, his grandpa, grandma, father, mother and his brothers and 1.向m g镁和铝的混合物中加入适量的稀硫酸,恰好完全反应生成标准状况下的气体b L.向反应后的溶液中加入c mol/L 氢氧化钾溶液V mL,使金属离子刚好沉淀完全,得到的沉淀质量为n g.再将得到的沉淀灼烧至质量不再改变为止,得到固体p g.则下列关系正确的是(  )A.c=$\frac{b}{11.2V}$B.p=m+$\frac{{V}_{c}}{125}$C.n=m+17VcD.$\frac{17}{9}$m<p<$\frac{5}{3}$m
英语 试题推荐