
Lisa is an English girl. She is   46  . She is twenty-two years old now. She is   47   actor. She is very nice.   48   hair is long and blond. She   49   blue big eyes. Her   50   like her very much. Lisa looks   51_ Huang Yongmei, a good actor. The actor   52  Hong Kong. Lisa’s favorite   53   is red. She is often(经常)   54  . Lisa likes apples, oranges and bananas.   55   is her good friend? Oh, she is Sally. (   )46. A. old                         B. young                     C. different (   阅读下面这首词,完成文后小题。 卜算子 张元幹风露湿行云,沙水迷归艇。卧看明河月满空,斗挂苍山顶。万古只青天,多事悲人境。起舞闻鸡酒未醒,潮落秋江冷。[注]张元幹,宋代爱国词人。1.上片前两句中的“湿”“迷”二字使用准确生动,试作简要赏析。 2.结尾两句运用了怎样的表达技巧?请作简要分析。
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