
保护亚马孙雨林,不仅是当地国家和人民的义务,而且整个国际社会都应对此负责,哪些国家应该承担更多的责任( )     A.发展中国家       B.发达国家     C.美洲国家          D.巴西本国 答案:B 解析: 亚马孙地区热带所涉及的是全球生态环境问题,所以保护亚马孙雨林不仅是当地国家和人民的义务,而且整个国际社会都应对此负责,尤其是发达国家应承担更多的责任。发展中国家当前面临的首要任务是发展经济和消除贫困,在实现这一目标的过程中,应该有长远的眼光,避免采取为了短期利 One day, a couple wanted to buy a tea cup. So they went into a shop. They saw a beautiful one there. They asked, "May we see that? We've never seen such a beautiful one." As the shopkeeper handed it to them, suddenly the tea cup spoke. "You don't understand." it said. "Once I was red and looked ugly. I was rolled and struck (捶打) over and over by my master. I shouted out, 'Let me alone.' But he only smiled, 'Not yet.' Then I was put on a wheel which was moving, and suddenly I was pushed to move around and around. 'Stop!' I cried. But my master only shook his head and said, 'Not yet.' Then he put me in the oven. I was fired at a very high heat. I wondered why he wanted to burn me, and I cried and knocked at the door. But he just shook his head.""Finally, the door opened. He put me on the table, and I began to become cool. Then I was polished. After that, my master brushed and painted me all over. How terrible the smell was! I thought I would die. 'Stop!' I cried. He only shook his head, 'Not yet.' Then suddenly he put me into the second oven. This oven was twice as hot as the first one and I couldn't breathe at all. I begged (哀求). However, my master put me on the table again. 'Not yet.' I nearly lost hope. Just then, the door opened. He took me out and put me on the table again.""One hour later he handed me a mirror and said, 'Look at yourself.' And I did so. I was surprised and said, 'That's not me. Why am I so beautiful?'I want you to remember,' my master said, 'without those paints, you would never be a perfect product.'"根据短文内容判断正、误。正确的涂“A”,错误的涂“B”)【1】One day, a couple went into a shop to buy a tea cup.【2】When the couple saw the tea cup, it looked ugly.【3】After being polished, the master was brushed and painted all over.【4】The second oven was hotter than the first one.【5】According to the passage, we know that those paints helped the tea cup become a perfect product.
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