
If you travel in some areas of India, you’ll be lucky enough to be waited on by special guides(向导)― monkeys. These monkeys are always ready to serve you. Hungry, you just need to point to your own stomach and they’ll lead you to the nearest restaurant. Thirsty, the monkeys will lead you to a bar. Tired, you put both of your hands behind your head and the monkeys will take you to the nearest hotel. Don’t feel surprised when they put out their hairy hands to you after the service is done. They are just asking for a little money as a tip. After that, they will wave their ha下图为“我国某区域简图”,读图回答下列各题。【1】图中最大的山脉走向大致与下列哪个山脉一致A. 大兴安岭 B. 祁连山 C. 秦岭 D. 横断山脉【2】有关上述山地地理意义的叙述正确的是A. 我国地势的一、二阶梯分界线 B. 东北平原与内蒙古高原的分界线C. 南方与北方的分界线 D. 四川盆地与长江中下游平原的分界线
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