
  After travelling many times with my family members, I went alone to Italy for a long weekend. I traveled by a train and checked into my hotel before exploring the beautiful town. I went out for dinner alone, that meant I could watch people and took in the atmosphere. The next day I went to Lake Garda and took some lovely picture. I then read a book and sat under the sun for a few hours! I had a really amazed time. I think the best thing about traveling alone is you can be selfish and do exactly what you want to. You are in control of your day and fun, but my advice is to take the op小刚在“探究通过导体的电流与电压、电阻的关系”实验中.(1)他应采用的实验方法是 ;(2)在研究电压的变化对电流的影响时,他连接的电路如图所示.但电路中有一根导线接错了,请你用笔在图中将接错的导线打上“×”,把正确的接线画上,并在虚线框内设计出实验数据记录的表格;(3)在研究电阻对电流的影响时,把定值电阻由5Ω换成10Ω,闭合开关后,下一步的操作是:调节滑动变阻器的滑片,保持 不变.(4)如果小亮在实验中发现电流表、电压表的读数都偏大,调节滑动变阻器的滑片时,两表示数均无变化,适当减小电源电压后,两表示数才相应减小.你认为出现这一故障的原因是: .(5)利用本实验的器材,你还能进行的实验有:① ;② .
英语 试题推荐