
Women of the Night? I spent thirty-nine years of my life as an_____41_____(educate). As a school administrator, I was ever fortunate to hire a retired headmaster from Fulton County. She was a delightful person and_____42_____excellent teacher loved by everyone, children, parents and teachers. She taught in our system for some years. Later she passed away. Having taught with her, Jean and Sara thought it proper____43____(attend) her funeral(葬礼). Not knowing where the funeral would be, they called a certain headmaster_____44_____seemed to always keep up with the obituaries(讣闻). 阅读材料,回答下题。据中国地震台网测定,北京时间4月25日14时11分,尼泊尔(北纬28.2度,东经84.7度)发生8.1级地震.尼泊尔是南亚山区内陆国家,位于喜马拉雅山脉南麓.此次地震造成重大人员伤亡和财产损失.加德满都谷地中90%的古老广场建筑、宗教庙宇已在这次大地震及其后的强烈余震中坍塌,共计12座世界文化遗产基本坍塌.读图:地震发生时,中国有不少登山队员正在攀登珠穆拉玛峰.他们可能遇到的次生灾害不包括( )A. 泥石流B. 雪崩C. 滑坡D. 旱灾
英语 试题推荐