
Choosing a college major is one of the most important choices you can make about your education and future career. What you study in college often determines what career opportunities you will have when you graduate.    56    There are a number of steps you can take before making a final decision.    57    For example, if you enjoy marine life, you should consider a marine biology major. If you love star-gazing, consider becoming an astronomer.    58    If you’re not strong in math you might be better off not choosing engineering. If you are not good at English, don在詹天佑纪念馆中,你会了解到中国人自己设计和修筑的第一条铁路干线,即他主持修建的那条“花钱少、质量好、完工快”的铁路。这条铁路是A.北京到八达岭长城B.唐山至胥各庄这条当时中国最长的铁路C.北京至张家口铁路D.北京至唐山的铁路
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