
Once a young man named Steve sold fruits at the market each day in town. He always tried to be the first seller to arrive there. He believed that the earlier he got to the market, the more he could sell. This drove other sellers crazy, and they also came to the market earlier and earlier. To get up even earlier, Steve thought that if he ate breakfast at night, he could get to the market earlier. So after he ate dinner, he ate his breakfast. He went to bed very full, but he knew it was for a good cause. Morning came and Steve was surprised to see that there were already many people ther下列关于细胞呼吸在生产生活中应用的叙述,错误的是A. 给含有酵母菌的发酵液连续通气可以提高产酒量B. 适当降低温度和氧浓度有利于果蔬储藏C. 利用乳酸细菌制作酸奶过程中需密闭隔绝空气D. 黑暗条件下绿豆萌发成豆芽的过程中有机物总量不断减少
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