
完形填空 Xiao Qiang, a 12-year-old Chinese boy, has too many activities. His father   1_   him away from school four afternoons a week and drives him across town to practice. “I do most of my   2   in the car when we are _ 3    to practice, and I have to do the rest(剩余的) when I get home. I am too tired, I just want to sleep.” he said. “More and more kids become unhappy   4    they have too many activities to do.” Said Mr Wang, an expert(专家) of Children Development. 41% of the children aged 9-13 said they felt   5  most of the time, and more25、阅读下列材料: 材料一师夷长技以自强。 材料二  梁启超在《时务报》上写道:“变者,天下之公理也。” 材料三驱除鞑虏,恢复中华,建立民国,平均地权。 材料四我们现在认定,只有“德先生”和“赛先生’’(即民主和科学)可以救治中国政治上、道德上、学术上、思想上的一切黑暗。 读后请回答下列问题: (1)上述材料分别是中国近代前期哪些派别的政治主张? 材料一 材料二 材料三 材料四 (2)请按材料顺序写出上述派别分别进行的重大探索活动的名称。 依次是:                                   (3)上述四则材料反映了近代先进中国人向西方学习的进程。请你指出在学习内容上的变化趋势。 评卷人 得分 四、填表识图题 (每空? 分,共? 分)
英语 试题推荐