
Millie不知道该用词的哪个形式来填空,你来帮帮她吧。 1. They looked at each other and _______(keep) their secrets to themselves. 2. I _______(not fly) to London if it snows tomorrow. 3. He bought a coat ________(make) of cotton. 4. We were ________(please) with the pleasant trip. 5. Walk slowly around the big lake and feel the ______(beautiful)of the old park. 6.  _______(hunt) often kill many wild animals for their skin. 7.  None of us liked the movie at the ______(begin). 8. “Help _______(you) to some sweets,” Kate said to her friends. 9. He was ________(luck) to be下列哪一项与植物生长的顶端优势现象不符 A.密度大的水杉林比密度小的水杉林表现出更强的顶端优势 B.顶端优势是在植物竞争阳光和空间的过程中得到进化和发展 C.在植物竞争阳光和空间的过程中,顶端优势强的植物得到生存和发展,而顶端优势弱的生物必然被淘汰 D.消除顶端优势可以降低植物的营养生长而有利于生殖生长
英语 试题推荐