
下列各组词语中,有错别字的一组是(     ) A、奋发图强   奋发有为  平添烦恼   平心而论 B、膏粱子弟   高粱红了  置之度外   置若罔闻 C、烦文缛节   公务繁重  成绩斐然   流言蜚语  D、处事能力   处世哲学  无济于事   和衷共济   答案:C烦文缛节应该为繁文缛节。  在“构建和谐校园”的活动中,李雷被评为“文明之星”。你是他的好朋友,请用简短的英语对他进行介绍,并写一句你最想对他说的话。Li Lei is my good 76  He is quite friendly and helpful. He is always trying to help 77   He does well in all his 78   And he has many different 79 of hobbies.He is always well-behaved. He sets us all a good example. He is the hero in our heart.写一句你最想对他说的话:              80                     
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