
【小题1】Shall we play basketball tomorrow?       A. For five hours【小题2】Have you ever been to an aquarium ?     B. Yes, it is.【小题3】How long have you been skating?  C. Sorry, I’m busy tomorrow.【小题4】It’s windy today, isn’t it?         D. No, I haven’t【小题5】Let’s go shopping then.       E. OK. I’ll meet you at the shopping center at 10 o’clock     (1)请将代表下列经济特区的英文字母代号填入下图中相应的方框中A.我国对外开放的窗口 B.福建省的经济特区(2)据图指出我国经济特区的地域分布特点
英语 试题推荐