
Part-time Cleaning HelpAre you looking for a vacationjob? Can you clean the house and cook? Then, I need you. The work is boring,but the pay is good. I need you from 2:00 pm—5:00 pm, Monday to Saturday. Please come tothe cleaning center or call Mrs. Johnson at 544-9968.A Fitness CampFor Overweight KidsAre you too fat? Can you run asfast as your classmates? Have you failed your PE examination?Our fitness camp can help youlose weight and get fit again. Come and join us!  Please call Nathan at475-2300.Next Wave Music StoreAfter 10 years of teaching thepiano, David Smith has made his firstCD!Co(2分)如图14所示,轻质杠杆可绕O转动,杠杆上吊一重物G,在力F作用下杠杆静止在水平位置,l为F的力臂,请在图中作出力F的示意图及重物G所受重力的示意图。图14
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