
When I was young, I went looking for gold in California.I never found enough to make me rich.But I did discover a beautiful part of the country.It was called the Stanislau.The Stanislau was like Heaven on Earth.It had bright green hills and deep forests where soft winds touched the trees.        Other men, also looking for gold, had reached the Stanislau hills of California many years before I did.They had built a town in the valley with sidewalks and stores, banks and schools.They had also built pretty little houses for their families.        At first, they foundW,X,Y,Z是元素周期表中原子前四周期的四种元素,有关它们的信息如下表所示. 元素有关信息  WW的基态原子L层电子数是K层电子数的3倍.  XX与氢元素形成的一种化合物可以使湿润的红色石蕊试纸变蓝 Y 单质为黄绿色气体,最高价氧化物对应的水化物化学式为HYO4 Z Z的基态原子外围电子排布式为(n-1)d10ns1(1)Y位于元素周期表 周期第 族:X的基态原子核外电子排布式是 .(2)W的简单离子半径 X的简单离子半径(填“>”“<”或“=”),Y的第一电离能比Z的 (填“大”或“小”),W,X的最简单气态氢化物中,沸点较高的是 (填化学式).(3)在150℃左右时,化合物ZW与氢气反应生成红色的Z2W粉末,该反应的化学方程式为 .(4)W元素形成的多种化合物分子中,含有极性共价键和非极性共价键的分子名称为 (任写一种).(5)在25℃,101kPa下,已知Z固体单质在Y2气体中完全燃烧后恢复至原状态,平均每转移1mol电子放热110.05kJ,该反应的热化学方程式是 .
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