
图9中,甲图为孟加拉国等高线图,乙图为布拉马普特拉河在孟加拉国境内贾木纳河的一段的辫状河道,丙图为孟加拉国水稻种植季节示意图。读图,回答有关问题:  (1)孟加拉国地形特征是______________,这种地形主要是__________作用而形成。  (2)形成贾木纳河辫状河道的主要自然原因  (3)从图13中可以看出,孟加拉国按气候特征可以明显分成两季,其中,11月至次年4月为______季,5至10月为______季。该国只能种植冬稻的地形是________,该地在其他季节不能根据题中所给的中文提示或首字母写出符合句意的单词的正确形式。 1.The telephone is one of the __________(手段、方法) of communication. 2.They has __________(选举) Smith mayor. 3.He gave us a __________(率直的、坦诚的) explanation. 4.Most smokers are perfectly __________(意识到) of the dangers of smoking. 5.Don’t ___________(打断) the speaker;ask your questions afterwards. 6.__________(不知怎么地) I don’t like the way he speaks. 7.If you need any help, don’t __________(犹豫) to call us. 8.It is hoped that the education __________(改革) being carried out now will bring about the desired results. 9.The student __________(达到、得到) ‘ A ’ in all his exams through his hard work. 10.There is __________(无处) for those who lost their homes in the earthquake to live now.
地理 试题推荐