
阅读下面的文字,按要求作文。在阳光温室中长大的80后、90后身上,背负着前代人多少负面评价:被讽评为“我字当头的一代”、“依靠父母的一代”、“垮掉的一代”,被前辈怀疑缺乏责任感、不可信任、无法肩挑重担――可从前段时间的奥运火炬传递遇挫事件到今天的特大震灾,这一代年轻人以实际行动证明,不管是爱国情怀、集体精神还是责任担当,抑或是志愿精神,他们一点也不比前代人差。他们虽然身上没有伤痕,没有经历过多少苦难, 阅读表达   [1] Most children with ADHD(儿童多动症)continue to have symptoms as they enter adolescence.Some children, however, are not found to have ADHD until they reach adolescence.This is more common among children with mainly inattentive symptoms.In these children.the disorder becomes more apparent as academic demands increase and responsibilities mount.For all teens, these years are challenging.But for teens with ADHD, these years may be especially difficult.   [2] Although overactive behavior tends to decrease as a child ages, teens who continue to be overactive may feel restless and try to do too many things at once.They may choose tasks or activities that have a quick payoff, rather than those that take more effort, but provide.bigger, delayed rewards.Teens primarily with lack of attention struggle.with school and other activities in which they are expected to depend more on themselves.   [3] Teens also become more responsible for their own health decisions.When a child with ADHD is young, parents are more likely to be responsible for guaranteeing that their child has treatment.But when the child reaches adolescence, parents have less control, and those with ADHD may have difficulty sticking with treatment.   [4] To help them stay healthy and provide needed structure, teens with ADHD should be given rules that are clear and easy to understand.Once they're set, communication, negotiation, and compromise are helpful along the way.Helping them stay focused and organized also may help.Teens with ADHD want to try new things, and sometimes they'll break rules.If ________, your response should be as calm and matter-of-fact as possible.Punishment should be used only rarely.Teens with ADHD often have trouble controlling themselves.Sometimes, a short time-out can be calming.If your teen asks for later use of the car, give reasons for your opinions and listen to your child's opinion. 1.What is the text mainly about?(no more than 8 words) 2.Which sentence in the text is closest in meaning to the following one? The children with mainly overactive symptoms won't like to go in for difficult things although they may get more from those things. 3.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words, (no more than 8 words) 4.Fill in the following chart about how to deal with children with ADHD.(no more than 10 words) 5.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 into Chinese.
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