
近年来,为了控制噪声污染,改善居民的生活环境,有些城市采取了城区禁止汽车鸣笛、道路两边种花植树等措施。图3所示的标志中,表示“禁止鸣笛”的是(    ) 答案:C 第二卷 第三部分:根据所给的词首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺的短语. 56. Thoughts and feelings are usually expressed ___ ______ ___ (以……方式)words. 57. It is important for every soccer player to _____ ____ ___ (与…..合作)other players in the field. 58. Fresh flowers can ______ a dull room _____ ___ _____(使……有了生气/活力). 59. You must find this hard at first, but you will find it _____ _____ (得到回报) when you talk with a foreigner. 60. He _____ _____ (开始着手) to write a new book when he was very young. 60. I am sorry, but I will have to _____ _____ (挂电话). Someone is calling me. 62. If you are ___ _____ ___(需要)any support, don’t hesitate to let me know. 63. He has eaten so many eggs since his childhood that he is ___ ___ ___ (受够了/厌倦) them now. 64. He ____ _____ ___ ____ (把自己扮成) a doctor and asked some questions about her health. 65. Doctor Bethune was devoted to treating the sick and wounded soldiers ___________ ___ (不顾) his own safety.
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