
The girl __________ a blue skirt will perform a dance. A. having on    B. wore                  C. dressed up        D. dressed in   答案:D①dressed in a blue skirt过去分词短语作定语,修饰The girl。The girl dressed in a blue skirt. = The girl who is dressed in a blue skirt. / The girl wearing a blue skirt. 或The girl dressed up in a blue skirt. 试比较:The girl was dressed in a white skirt. 那个女孩穿着一条白色的裙子。The girl is dressed up as a princess. 那个女孩被打扮成为一个公主。②下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一组是 A.舒同与毛.泽东都是书法家。舒体含蓄善藏,筋力老健,风骨洒脱,而毛体则春蚓秋蛇,流动飞舞,恣肆磅礴 B.大连湾、广州湾,都不像我童年的那片“海”,正如我一生中最好的朋友,不一定是我童年耳鬓厮磨的游伴一样。 C.虽然特利肯集团在亚洲地区的连锁店业绩不错,效益仍呈上升趋势,但在欧美地区却是惨淡经营,亏损严重。 D.“空梁落燕泥”的作者是薛道衡,《瞭望》却误为谢灵运,而某家报纸转载时,不加细察,将错就错地加以照录。
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