
As more and more creatures  ___1__ extinction, many scientists try hard to save them, __2 ___ the public’s help to protect them.___3_, few people have any idea what ___4__ these creatures are. I _5__ two foreign photographers worked together a couple of years ago and took pictures of those __ 6__ animals and plants. They later had a book published in order to introduce those creatures to the public.It is ___ 7_ that if we really want to protect and save endangered species, we have to get to know them first. In fact, about two-thirds of such creatures are plants. Some of them are so unusual 读下图中斜线区为某农业地域类型的分布,读图做下题。 (1) 甲国家的地理位置十分重要,具体表现为 [  ] A. 位于大陆的内陆,东西南北交通的必经之地 B. 位于重要地理事物的交汇处,最短航线的必经之地 C. 位于大陆南端,世界上某重要航线的必经之地 D. 位于两洋三洲五海之地,战略地位十分重要 (2) 甲国家的地形特征为 [  ] A. 以高原为主,地势西北高东南低 B. 以山地为主,地势东南高西北低 C. 以盆地为主,地势中部低,四周高 D. 以高原为主,地势东南高西北低 (3) 图中德班比诺洛斯港气温明显偏高,主要影响因素是 [  ] A. 纬度位置 B. 洋流因素 C. 地形因素 D. 海陆位置 (4) 图中分布最广的自然带是 [  ] A. 热带荒漠带 B. 热带草原带 C. 亚热带常绿硬叶林带 D. 热带雨林带 (5) 图中阴影部分为某种农业地域类型的分布,该农业地域类型是 [  ] A. 水稻种植业 B. 混合农业 C. 商品谷物农业 D. 大牧场放牧业
英语 试题推荐