
自毛.泽东领导工农红军开辟农村革命根据地,探索出“工农武装割据”的革命道路之后,党和红军内部不少人仍然对革命前途表示出悲观情绪。为此毛.泽东撰文指出星星之火,可以燎原”,中国革命必然会取得胜利。中国革命之所以如“星星之火”“可以燎原”,从哲学上看是因为: A.中国革命发展的状态是前进性与曲折性的统一 B.中国共.产.党人对革命的认识要经历不断发展的过程 C.中国革命的发展只有在经历曲折之后才有光明的前 把下列对话搭配起来 1.Would it be all right if I listen to rock music? 2.I love blues.What about you? 3.Can I go to the concert?Many jazz stars are coming. 4.Music makes beautiful mind. 5.I can play many famous pieces of classical music on the piano. A.Not every type.Rock’n’ Roll can drive me crazy. B.No, you shouldn’t listen to such noisy music. C.Oh, really? That’s wonderful. D.I prefer classical. E.Sure, I like jazz too.What about going together with me?
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