
农民出卖初级农产品的市场价格低廉,而如果对初级产品进行加工,情况就可能不一样。如据《人民日报》载文说,寻常的西红柿、豆角、小白菜一装进泡沫塑料盒子再蒙上一层薄薄的保鲜膜,身价顿时翻了几个筋斗。寻常蔬菜“一装”“一蒙”便身价倍增,其根本原因是 A.包装过的蔬菜使用价值增加了   B.包装过的蔬菜营养价值增加了 C.包装过的蔬菜价值增加了       D.包装过的蔬菜的劳动生产率提高了Chocolate Cookie Recipe Ingredients ·3/4 cup butter ·1/2 cup sugar ·2 cups chocolate chips ·2 eggs ·1/2 cup flour ·1/4 teaspoon baking soda ·1/2 teaspoon salt 1).In a large pan,cook butter,sugar and water until butter is melted(融化).Add chocolate chips and stir(搅动) until melted. Turn off the heat and go on to stir until chocolate is melted. Pour into a large bowl and cool off for 10 minutes.2).Put in some eggs,one at a time into chocolate mix,and add flour,baking soda,and salt. Go on to mix until they are blended. Chill the dough(冷冻面团) about 1 hour. 3).Turn on the oven again to 175℃. 4).Roll the dough into balls and put on the cookie sheet. Bake 8~10 minutes. 5).Put the cookies on the plate and enjoy.【1】What's the recipe about?A. Making cookies. B. Making hamburgers. C. Making French fries. D. Making a chocolate cake.【2】What's the ingredient you don't need for the recipe?A. B. C. D. 【3】How long should you bake the cookies?A. For 8 minutes. B. For 20 minutes. C. For 50 seconds. D. For 1 hour.【4】How much salt do you need to make the cookies?A. 1/4 cup. B. 1/3 cup. C. 1/2 teaspoon. D. 2 teaspoons.【5】Which is true?A. You need one fourth cup of flour to make cookies.B. Put the dough on the cookie sheet before it's put in the oven.C. Preheat the oven to 350℃ to bake cookies.D. Chill the dough for 3 hours.
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