
I  know that it's hard to devote enough time to class and to social efforts. But, I wanted to succeed in both. I knew this would be a    21    but didn't realize how much until classes began. I    22     on well with the other girls who lived in my dorm. Often,    ____23___   finishing my homework before it was     24     to hand in, I went upstairs and had ice cream with my neighbor. I    25     finished it the next day between classes. But I knew it wasn't very good and the   26     I received showed my lack of    27    . I realized tha(2007?楚州区模拟)有一些大小相同的正方体木块堆成一堆,从上往下看是图1,从前往后看是图2,从左往右看是图3,这堆木块共有1010块.
英语 试题推荐