
Mascots for the Olympic Games(   )11. From the above, we know the Olympic Games is held(被举行) every ____ years.A. 3               B. 4                C. 5                D. 6(   )12. The Beijing Olympic Games has 2 more mascots than those for ____Olympic Games.A. Sydney      B. Los Angeles  C. Atlanta     D. Munich(   )13. The 20th Olympic Games was held in ____.A. North America    B. Europe       C. Oceania      D. Asia(   )14. The 23rd and 26th Olympic Games were held in the same ____.A. town        25、某中学为促进课堂教学,提高教学质量,对本校七年级学生进行了一次“你最喜欢的课堂教学方式”的问卷调查.根据收回的问卷,学校绘制了“频率分布表”和“频数分布条形图”.请你根据图表中提供的信息,解答下列问题:(1)补全“频率分布表”;(2)在“频数分布条形图”中,将代号为4的部分补充完整;(3)你最喜欢以上哪种教学方式或另外的教学方式,请提出你的建议,并简要说明理由.
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