
文化创新必须继承传统文化,发挥传统文化的积极作用,正确的态度是( ) ①取其精华  ②去其糟粕 ③批判继承  ④古为今用 A.①                    B.①② C.①②③                 D.①②③④   答案:D     B. 根据你所听到的-文内容,选择正,答案() 6. What can't you see in John's hometown?   A. A lake. B. Green trees. C. Tall buildings.() 7. How far is his hometown from the city?   A. About two hours by bus. B. About one hour on foot.   C. About three hours by car.() 8. Where is the lake?   A. Far from the village. B. In front of the village.   C. In front of the city.() 9. What does John often do after school?   A. Go to the centre of the city. B. Show people around his hometown.   C. Go swimming in the lake.() 10. Why do many Americans come to John's hometown?   A. For their holidays.    B. Foreating delicious food.   C. For swimming in the lake.
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