
完形填空  People around the world celebrate the new year. However, not all countries celebrate in the   1   way. When it is the New Year, people celebrate for several days. In some countries, the New Year is not on the same date every year. It can depend    2    the seasons, the moon or the sun. In many countries, New Year begins on January1st, but people start celebrating on December 31st, New Year’s Eve. In New York, many people go to celebrate in Times Square. While they’re waiting for the New Year, they    3   music, sing traditional songs and have fun. Just下列叙述不符合原文意思的一项是(  ) A.苏武出使匈奴,是在汉与匈奴关系有所改善、两国矛盾有所缓和的时候,本不该有危险,然而,由于张胜私下里支持虞常等人的谋反行动,导致了苏武被匈奴扣留。 B.虞常沦落匈奴,但并没有忘记汉朝,他伏弩射杀卫律的行动,正是他爱国的具体体现。 C.苏武的自杀举动,不仅表现了汉朝使节宁死不屈的凛然正气,而且赢得了敌国的尊敬。 D.卫律使尽了威吓、利诱、逼迫等手段,但是始终未能动摇苏武对国家、对民族忠贞不贰的崇高气节。
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